Kari McCann Boutell, President
Iowa Council of Foundations
We look forward to seeing many of you in two weeks at the Connect Community Foundations Conference on September 17. If you haven’t registered, you can do so and view the agenda here (link outdated). You will see on the agenda that we will be celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the County Endowment Fund Program throughout the day. We hope this will give you an opportunity to reflect on the good work the program has made possible over the last 15 years, but also create time for you to strategize and vision for the next 15 years!
You will hear from several of your community foundation peers during CF Snapshot Live as we focus on impact the program has made in communities and counties throughout Iowa. The stories will focus on the two goals of the program:
- Creating and growing permanent endowment funds in each county that does not hold a state-issued gaming license; and
- Re-distributing a percentage of funds annually throughout those counties through competitive grantmaking processes.
Our goal is for you to return home with ideas you can implement to help grow your endowments and to make your grantmaking processes and strategies event stronger for the next chapter of the County Endowment Fund Program. Again this year, if two or more people from your community foundation or affiliate participate, you will be eligible to apply for Idea Implementation Grant Funding (up to $1,500 per organization) to make these goals a reality. We hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity.
If you have any questions about the conference, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@iowacounciloffoundations.org or 515-989-1188. We look forward to seeing you there!