We strive to be a credible source of information for philanthropy in our state. We hope you find the following resources helpful. Please contact us if the ICoF can help answer specific questions related to philanthropy.
The ICoF’s focus is primarily on supporting and educating the funders themselves. As such, we do not make grants. We encourage grantseekers to learn more about potential funding by using:
ICoF Member Directory
Iowa Grants Guide
Candid (Foundation Center and GuideStar are now Candid)
Foundation Search
Iowa Grants Enterprise Management Systems
United Ways of Iowa
Philanthropic and Nonprofit Partners
The Iowa Council of Foundations works with a variety of philanthropic and nonprofit partners statewide. Learn more about these partners below:
Iowa Nonprofit Alliance
Seed Coalition
Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service
Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center
United Ways of Iowa