Kari McCann Boutell, President
Iowa Council of Foundations
The Connect Community Foundations Conference is in two weeks! If you’ve registered, here are three opportunities for you at the conference. If you aren’t registered, here are three reasons you should register today!
#1 You can connect to funding opportunities.
If two or more people from your community foundation or affiliate attend Connect, you are eligible for:
- Idea Implementation Grant funding which provides funding to your organization to help you implement a program or project idea that was inspired by something you learned at Connect. This year, grants up to $1,500 will be available!
- Mileage Reimbursement to cover your travel costs to Johnston up to $75 per community foundation.
In addition, each participant will be eligible to enter a drawing to win one of four $250 mini-grants. Finally, the Fall 2018 Capacity Building Grants program will open at the conference. You can learn more about the process and how to apply!
#2 You can connect with state and regional experts.
We have an incredible agenda this year featuring regional experts Ben Wincester from the University of Minnesota Extension and Nancy Beers, Center for Disaster Philanthropy. Ben will talk about ways we can reshape the rural narrative in our communities and beyond. Nancy will share information on roles community foundations can play in preparedness, response and recovery efforts in their communities. We will also pull from expertise within our great state this year learning from:
- Angela Fogt, Faegre Baker Daniels and Gordon Fischer, Gordon Fischer Law Firm
- Lynn Gaumer, The Stelter Company
- Jason Neises, Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque
- Stacy Van Gorp, See What I Mean Consulting
There will also be several community foundation peers sharing about their work throughout the day!
#3 You can connect with your peers from across Iowa.
You will have an opportunity to network and learn from your peers throughout the day. The networking lunch will give you an opportunity to select a topic of interest to you to explore with your peers. Additionally, new this year is a Marketing Exchange, where you can view tools and communications resources community foundations are using across the state to educate their donors and demonstrate their impact. Finally, we will close the day with our CF Snapsot Live! session, highlighting the role community foundations can plan in economic development. You won’t want to miss these practical ideas and tools that have been effective strategies in our state.
We look forward to seeing you on September 18!
You can now access the full agenda and register here.